There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep. Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you haven't time to respond to a tug at your pants leg, your schedule is too crowded. Robert Brault

Whats driving a bus like? Seventy of your kids in the back seat going to town. Mr. Brandon

Thursday, May 17, 2012

“Surprise Package”

Kindergartner approaches the bus struggling with his book bag and something in his hand. As he gets on the bus I see the problem, he is having difficulty getting a very life like rubber snake in his book bag. The right thing to do would be to take it from him because it is going to cause all kinds of commotion on the bus and in the classroom. So, I helped him pack it neatly away in his book bag told him not to get it out on the bus and let his teacher help him with it when they are unpacking in class. You do what you can.

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