There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep. Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you haven't time to respond to a tug at your pants leg, your schedule is too crowded. Robert Brault

Whats driving a bus like? Seventy of your kids in the back seat going to town. Mr. Brandon

Friday, December 7, 2012

“The Agency”

As Mr. Mucus approaches the bus he has a folded piece of cardboard up against his ear, No doubt a cell phone. As I open the door the conversation that he is having comes to an end with, “Yes, yes that’s good I will talk to you later”. He folds the cardboard, I mean phone, shut and says, “The Agency, you know I’m a spy”. At this point I’m sure I hear spy background music start up. Not wanting to blow his cover I say, “If you’re a spy should you be telling me this?” Instead of complete secrecy he decides just to keep it quitter so he leans in and whispers, “I’m Double Oh Oh, I have a microchip in one shoe and a blow dryer in the other shoe”. The microchip made sense to me because I’m sure a spy would have need of one in a lot of different circumstances. But I must admit the blow dryer threw me for a moment, until I realized how handsome and sophisticated spies always look so I guess you would need a blow dryer to be readily available. Just as the conversation was getting interesting he said, “Excuse me I have to get this” and he answered his phone. He said, “Yes Dear, I’m on my way to work, yes, do we have to talk about this now can’t we talk about this tomorrow?” “Ok, goodbye.” He hangs up looks at me and tells me something that was already clear, “The wife”. I don’t know what she told him but it seemed to take the starch out of him. He dropped his head and said in a somewhat muted tone, “I’ll be setting back here if you need me”. He didn’t stay down long in a few minutes he announced to the bus he was ordering jet packs for everybody so they could fly to school. Got back on the phone and when he got off announced to everyone, “They’re on their way”. I guess he must have sensed some confusion among the riders so he tried to clear that up by announcing to everyone, “Yes I am a spy, why else would a first grader have so many gadgets?” After this there was not much activity on the spy front but as we neared school I heard him call out my name, I looked, he blew on one thumb and then blew on the other thumb slapped his hands together and then waved them over his head. I’m sure this was some spy code. I’m assuming from the smile on his face it meant all is well, mission completed.

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