There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep. Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you haven't time to respond to a tug at your pants leg, your schedule is too crowded. Robert Brault

Whats driving a bus like? Seventy of your kids in the back seat going to town. Mr. Brandon

Friday, May 24, 2013


Well, the Cheese Wagon, Big Yellow Banana or whatever the students call it has been swept, washed and parked for the summer. I would like to say to all my cyber riders that have shared in this year’s ups, knowing that Mr. Mucus is opening a summer club at his house where you just set around eating chips and swimming, and downs, when an SUV decided to see if a stopped school bus was something he could move, thank you. I hope in some way you have enjoyed the stories as much as I have in sharing them with you. I have had people ask me how is it you have such a well behaved bus? Let me say, I never said I have a well behaved bus, I mean it is full of kids, enough said. Not all that happens is news worthy and some would have to come with a PG-13 rating or higher. With all that being said let me leave you with this. Just like the kids on the bus we all have our ups and downs. Very few go through every day upbeat and bubbly. We are told that life is what we make of it and I believe this to be true but a little push in the happy direction is always appreciated. As I stopped and picked up two brothers that I have known since they were goofy little boys and now they are grown young men in high school close to graduation I said my usual, “Good morning boys”. They replied, “Good morning”. As they passed one of them reached over and patted me on the shoulder and that was my push in the direction of a good day. We all need it from time to time so today in word or deed give someone a push in the right direction and to all my cyber riders thanks for the pushes this year.


  1. Mr. Brandon, I surely hope this epilogue is just for the summer. The bus blog world would be a grayer, less joyful, less inspiring world without your stories. Have a good summer, and I hope to see you in September.

  2. Thanks, I plan on being back to it when school starts.

  3. Mr. Brandon, I am a teacher, from a family of teachers, and I love reading your blog. You have a way with words and I look forward to reading every one of them. I hope a book is in your future. If so, I will be the first in line to purchase it! Only a teacher or another educator (like you!) would realize "you can't make this stuff up"!

    1. I have often had people ask me how I come up with these stories and I always tell them, "I just write down what I hear". No you can't make this stuff up. Thank you so much for the kind words, it is always good to here from other educators. We all have a Mr. Mucus or a Hot Pickle Boy that you can't help but think about and smile. Thanks for the work you do.
