There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep. Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you haven't time to respond to a tug at your pants leg, your schedule is too crowded. Robert Brault

Whats driving a bus like? Seventy of your kids in the back seat going to town. Mr. Brandon

Friday, August 21, 2015


She stepped out into the aisle as we were going down the road with a wide smile on her face and started making her way to the front with a bouncy little step.  I recognized her immediately she was wearing a Batman shirt that she has a fondness for.  Knowing how unsafe it was for her to be walking down the aisle of a moving bus I decided to address the situation.  I said, “Batman, you need to sit down.”  I know, I referred to her as Batman but I have referred to her as Batgirl in the past and was quickly put straight on the matter, lesson learned.  I tried again this time with a little more parental tone in the voice, “Batman, you need to sit down.”  She was not deterred but the smile had now turned to a frown.  So I pulled out all stops and referred to her by her real name and said, “You need to sit down.”  Now, not only was the smile gone but her little head hung down.  At this point she was now by my side.  Knowing I had lost the battle I asked, “What do you need?”  She raised her head, looked at me with those big dark eyes and said, “But, I just wanted to tell you that I love you Mr. Brandon.”  I replied, “I love you too baby but you need to stay sit down.”  With a look that was far from happy or understanding she made her way back to her seat.  Women! How do they do that, I truly believe it is genetic.  They can all do it.  She had executed it perfectly.  1. She had gotten her way no matter the obstacles.  2. Though I knew with every fiber in my body I was right and every safety manual ever written would say that I was right, I, yes I, now felt like a heel.
3. She would be over it in just a few minutes and I would feel bad about being right the rest of the day.  There is not a man born that has not been the recipient of the cunning behavior of a female.

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