There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep. Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you haven't time to respond to a tug at your pants leg, your schedule is too crowded. Robert Brault

Whats driving a bus like? Seventy of your kids in the back seat going to town. Mr. Brandon

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"Pay it Forward"

The elementary school equivalent of the Hollywood red carpet treatment is picture day.  Four steps up onto the bus, pause, pose in front of the driver, wait for the approving Oh, Wow, Nice, or a thumb up signal.  A third grader boarded feeling good towards all mankind and said, "When Dad helped me with my shirt this morning he said, "Boy you been losing some weight you're looking good." There is nothing that makes you kind towards others like feeling good about yourself.  So he passed on the good vibes.  As a much older girl, a sixth grader, got on the bus he said with a slow Barry White voice, for a third grader, "Who's the pretty lady?  You're looking sexy."  There was a time out from the bus driver explaining how the term "sexy" was inappropriate for a third grader to a sixth grader.  After an understanding, yes, he continued when a young man got on the bus with, "Looking good."  The next young man received a "Looking sharp, keep that up and you'll have a girlfriend in no time at all."  After a few more comments to his fellow students he turned his remarks to me.  He said, "You know Mr. Brandon when it comes to picture day," I prepared myself for the compliment to come, "you might want to lose a little weight for next year's pictures." "Lay off the hamburgers."  I'm now rethinking my choices for lunch and whether or not he is walking home this afternoon.

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